8596 Cotter St., Lewis Center, OH 43035
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Fun Bath Time Games To Help Your Children Learn

by Columbus Bath Design |June 7, 2016 |0 Comments | Bathroom tips, homeowners, Tips for the Home, Uncategorized | , ,

shutterstock_192392543Bath time is something that many children look forward to each day. Not only is it a time for play, but it’s the perfect opportunity for the family to engage in fun learning games. Here’s a few bathroom tips to help kids learn while getting clean:

Drawing and writing with bath tub crayons. Use colored crayons that are designed specifically for use in the tub to draw pictures and write letters on the walls and sides of the tub. These crayons are made to rub off easily, so parents don’t have to worry about stains, and children will love the novelty of writing on the walls without getting in trouble for it. Kids can practice identifying the different colors, drawing shapes and pictures, and even writing and identifying the letters of the alphabet. It’s a great way for children to get creative and make a mess that can easily be washed away once bath time is over.

Cut sponges out into alphabet letters. Help little ones learn the alphabet by cutting different letters out of soft sponges that they can then use to wash themselves. Make a game out of having them find the right letters floating in the tub, and then using them to spell out different words. It’s a smart and creative twist on alphabet flash cards, and it’s a fun way to get kids identifying specific letters and spelling out short words. Sponges can also be used for stacking, and little ones will love making an alphabet tower out of them, and then knocking it down into the water.

Play lifeguard with bath toys. Toss various bathtub toys into the water and have kids “rescue” each one as quickly as they can. Point out which toys float and which ones sink to the bottom, and talk about why that happens. You can point out the different materials that the toys are made from, such as foam and plastic. It’s also a great opportunity to talk to little ones about water safety tips, which are important not only in the bathtub, but also in swimming pools.

With creative activities like these, bath time can be fun for the whole family. Transform the bathroom into a place for learning by engaging with kids while they get clean. It’s the perfect way to make bath time an enjoyable experience, especially for little ones who may not typically enjoy a dip in the tub.

Bathroom Tips For Holiday Entertaining

by Columbus Bath Design |December 3, 2015 |0 Comments | Bathroom Maintenance, Bathroom tips, Cleaning tips, homeowners, Uncategorized | , , ,

Screen Shot 2015-12-09 at 2.07.36 PMThe holidays are a time of gathering with loved ones, but for homeowners playing host to family and friends, it can be a lot of pressure. From preparing food to making the home inviting, it takes time and effort to entertain. Here are some simple bathroom tips to get your place ready for guests this holiday season:

Do a Deep Clean. Before any guests arrive, you want to take some time to do a very thorough, deep cleaning in the bathroom. Dust, scrub, and polish every surface to make it as sparkling clean as possible. Even if your guests won’t be using the shower or tub, make sure that you scrub it, replace the shower liner, and toss the shower curtain in the wash to freshen it up. You may even consider hiring a professional cleaning crew to get your entire house in tip-top shape. Your guests will certainly appreciate a fresh, clean bathroom.

Stock Up. You will likely be making a trip or two to the grocery store to stock up on food, but don’t forget the essentials for a clean and comfortable home. Take a trip to the store specifically to stock up on toilet paper, hand soap, tissues, and paper towels.

You don’t want guests to run out of toilet paper, so place some extra rolls in an obvious spot. Refill the hand soap dispenser and open up a new box of tissues. Place a few freshly laundered hand towels in the bathroom.

Make it Homey. If you’re going to have overnight guests, then you want to make the guest bedroom and bathroom as homey and comfortable as possible. In addition to cleaning and restocking the basics, add a few extras, such as travel sized toiletries. Guests may forget to pack something simple like shampoo, toothpaste, or even a razor blade, so have items set out for them to use. Add additional touches in the room like fresh flowers, a seasonally scented candle, and plush bath robes or towels.

You want to make sure that your guests feel welcomed anytime of the year, but especially at the holidays when they’re traveling away from home. By following these bathroom tips, homeowners can make their place as inviting as possible for friends and loved ones.

Thanksgiving: A Time To Be Thankful

by Columbus Bath Design |November 25, 2015 |0 Comments | homeowners, Uncategorized | ,

shutterstock_227702257During the holidays we often get caught up in the rush of it all – shopping, cooking, baking – that we forget to take a breather and consider everything we should be thankful for. Around Thanksgiving, nothing is more important than family.

We tend to put the true meaning of Thanksgiving aside until the main event; dinner with all the trimmings. It may be a better practice to consider the many things we are thankful for throughout the holiday season, spending as much quality time with our families as possible. When the hustle and bustle of everyday life kicks in, we rarely have the time to focus on the people that truly make us feel loved and accepted.

Family-time shouldn’t be a forced affair. It should be a regular part of our daily lives. Especially during the holidays, it may be a good idea to involve everyone in the planning stages leading up to the festivities. Spend time in the kitchen together, make the effort to fit in at least one lengthy chat to show you care, make more than one cup of tea at a time. Consider the people you live with on a daily basis and do something for them before doing whatever it is you would usually do for yourself.

Another great way to bond as a family is to consider those who have less to be thankful for. Band together to do something for those who are less fortunate. If volunteering at a soup kitchen on Thanksgiving is not quite your slice of pie, then perhaps consider make some extra food for the traditional feast and donate it to a shelter, orphanage, or home. You would be amazed at how amazing it feels to give back to the community, particularly at a time of the year when so many people are struggling with the heavy burden of loneliness.

Create a positive behavioral pattern that becomes a habit. You will soon find that this is definitely the kind of habit worth having. Thanksgiving can last throughout the year if you take the steps to make it happen.