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cleaning tips

Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Bathroom

by Columbus Bath Design |March 13, 2020 |0 Comments | Bathroom Maintenance | , ,

spring cleaning

In spite of all the knocks against it, spring cleaning is a fantastic way to shake off the winter chills, freshen up your home and get a head start on the often frantic warmer months ahead. With the first day of spring (Thursday, March 19) rapidly approaching, it’s time to get moving. 

While cleaning decks, patios and other outdoor living areas are important, your bathroom definitely needs attention.

Why is cleaning my bathroom so important?

When you think about it, it’s easy to recognize the bathroom as being the most important room in your home. 

  • It’s where we begin and end our days. 
  • For many, the room stimulates inspiration – while taking a shower or enjoying a long soak in the tub.
  • Because there’s an unwritten rule that no one else enters when it’s in use, the bathroom can serve as your “safe space.” 

When you get down to it, the bathroom is far more than a personal maintenance room. It’s your own fortress of solitude, and well worth the effort and elbow grease associated with spring cleaning.

What supplies do I need to spring clean my bathroom?

You probably already have a basic cleaning kit containing spray bottles, baking soda and all-purpose cleaners. That’s a good start. 

Other essential items for specifically cleaning your bathroom include:

  • Microfiber cleaning cloths – these are far more effective than regular cloths or rags in getting bathroom grime and dirt than regular cloths
  • Toilet bowl cleaner – yes, we’ll be going there
  • A toothbrush
  • A sponge
  • An equal parts water/vinegar mixture in the spray bottle
  • Duster
  • Ziplock bag
  • Dish soap
  • A steam or bleach cleaner

It’s important to make sure you have all these items before you begin cleaning. Each time you have to leave the room to buy another product is an opportunity to lose track or become distracted.

What’s the most effective way to begin cleaning my bathroom?

Before you get started, open the window to let in the fresh air. Even though it’s still a bit chilly outside, you’ll need the open window for air circulation and to keep you comfortable while cleaning.

  • The first step is to de-clutter. We’re not talking about a major reorganization of your bathroom. Rather, this should only take a few minutes to remove things from countertops and off the floor. Just put everything right outside the bathroom door. This ensures you’re more easily able to do an in-depth cleaning.

    Don’t forget about shower and window curtains, bath mats and dirty towels. This is the perfect time to either put them in the wash or replace them altogether.
  • Clean the surfaces. It’s best to work from top to bottom. Dampen the microfiber cloth with warm water and the water/vinegar mixture, and wipe down your walls and backwash areas over the sink. 

As for cabinets, you should be able to use your water/vinegar mixture. 

  • Clean your countertops. Don’t use the water/vinegar solution here. Instead, use a dry microfiber cloth with a little dish soap.

  • Clean the toilet itself. This can be a tricky one but it’s well worth the effort. The inside of the toilet bowl can be taken care of with scrub brush and toilet bowl cleaner. We recommend letting the cleaner soak inside the bowl for a while as you concentrate on the toilet base.

    If you do not have a steam cleaner, soak the toothbrush head in the water/vinegar solution, and use it to clean the nooks and crannies along the seal of the toilet.

  • Clean the shower and tub. Dampen the tub and shower surfaces by letting the water run just a bit. Then, use the bleach cleaner and the sponge to scrub out and clean the surface.

  • An ingenious way to clean the showerhead and faucets: This is where the Ziplock bag comes in. In the bag, mix two tablespoons of baking soda with a few drops of dishwashing liquid. Dab a bit of vinegar over the faucet or showerhead. Hold the bag around the head of the faucet or showerhead and secure it with a rubber band. After letting it soak for about an hour, use your toothbrush to remove any leftover residue. 

spring cleaningShould I clean or remodel my bathroom?

You can do both! In fact, through the process of decluttering and cleaning, you’ll have a much better understanding of the amount of room you have in your bathroom. 

Use this time to think about what your ideal bathroom would look like. For inspirational ideas, you’re always welcome to visit our online gallery that shows some of our most recent work. You can also visit our Columbus showroom for in-person inspiration.

Here at Columbus Bath Design, we realize the thought of a remodeling project can be daunting – but it doesn’t have to be that way. 

Our personable and friendly designers will be happy to work with you, listen to your ideas, and find the perfect solution for you and your budget.

Find out how you can get $250 off your bathroom remodeling project by calling us at 614-721-3883. You can also get in touch by completing our online contact form

How to Deep Clean Your Bathroom for Holiday Company

by Columbus Bath Design |November 8, 2019 |0 Comments | Bathroom Maintenance | , ,

deep clean bathroomThe holidays bring people together. It’s the time of year that you can enjoy the company of your family and friends as you celebrate this joyful season. That means that it’s time to deep clean every nook and cranny of your bathroom! After all, you want to make sure the space is sparkling clean and ready for use.

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Don’t worry; we have a few simple reminders to help you achieve a perfectly cleaned bathroom that your guests will appreciate. To kickstart the deep clean, let’s take a look at how you can get the space ready for your next holiday party.

Start with the Basics

Remove all clutter from the area. If you have small children, this means removing their toys and toilet bowl attachments out of sight. Remove all laundry, unnecessary items on the sink, and of course, any trash or debris that may be lying around. You want the space to look as clutter-free as possible.

Focus on Laundry

We don’t mean just to wash your clothing. This is also the time that you should take down and launder shower and window curtains and any washable rugs. Doing so will make your space look and smell great! Keep in mind; you should add fresh linens so that your guests may dry their hands after using the restroom.

Wipe Down Mirrors and Windows

You want every space to be sparkling clean. Start by wiping down the windows, shower doors, and mirrors. These spaces are usually covered in fingerprints and smudges, so wiping them down will give the space an instant facelift.

Clean Counters and Fixtures

Make sure that the counters and all fixtures are thoroughly cleaned. You may want to polish your fixtures to give them an even cleaner shine and that deep clean feeling.

clean bathroomDon’t Forget Floors

Floors should be scrubbed thoroughly. Be mindful of corners as well as baseboards. You’ll want to be sure to wipe down these areas by hand, as most cleaning products will not get to these areas adequately. Doing a little more work will have a huge pay off in the end.

Scrub the Toilet

Make sure that the toilet bowl is completely clean—this means no water stains! Take a moment to wipe down the outside and the base of the toilet to ensure that the entire bowl is cleaned.

Deep Clean the Bathtub

Make sure that your bathtub doesn’t have any toys or used washrags sitting around the edges. Clean the tub thoroughly and make sure that there is no hard-water build up around the drain. Speaking of drains, you should take a moment to clean out the drain of any debris.

Remove Anything Not Needed

Bathrooms can become somewhat of a “catch-all” in some homes. If this sounds like you, take a moment to remove any items that aren’t necessary. You may also want to put away some items that are too personal such as toothbrushes, hairbrushes, and other sensitive items that you may not want to be displayed.

Add the Extras

You can make the space feel even fresher by adding in a toilet bowl fragrance, spritzing the area with a holiday scent, and making sure that all of the trash bins have fresh bags.

Add in Storage

During the holiday season, you want to be sure that you have prepared the bathroom for guests. You may want to have extra soap, lotion, and toilet paper available. Make sure you incorporate adequate storage so that these extra items are easily accessible, but not out in plain sight. This will help the space look tidy and fully stocked for guests.

Cleaning Products

One of the best cleaning products you can possibly use is just regular vinegar. Vinegar can tackle harsh build-up and can make cleaning a breeze. A simple mixture of 1:1 vinegar and water and you can clean your entire bathroom essentially with this one concoction. It simplifies the process without sacrificing quality cleaning. Plus, you won’t have to worry about the space smelling like harsh chemicals. It’s certainly a simple approach to cleaning that many of us can appreciate.

Make it Feel Welcoming

There are many small touches you can do to make your space feel welcoming. You can add in some greenery, have artisan soaps available for use, and even add little pops of holiday décor. Doing so will make your space feel even warmer and more inviting.


At Columbus Bath Design, we are always looking out for our customers. We want to help you get your space holiday and guest-ready by incorporating a quality cleaning strategy that works. If you want to do even more with your space, reach out to us to schedule a design consultation. We are happy to answer your questions and walk you through various design options. Give us a call today for more information at (614) 907-4558!

Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Bathroom

by Columbus Bath Design |March 7, 2019 |1 Comments | Bathroom Maintenance, Cleaning tips | , , , , , ,

Temperatures are warming up and flowers are blooming, it’s time to do a little spring cleaning. Rinsing porches and cleaning behind furniture is a good start, but what about your bathrooms? How can you get them ready for the warmer and brighter weather coming your way? In this article, I will share some tips with you for sprucing up your bathroom just in time for spring.

How deeply should I clean my bathroom?

When doing a deep clean of your bathroom, expect to get in every nook and cranny. Faucets, drains, grout, baseboards, all of it could use a clean every once in a while. Begin by collecting all the supplies you’ll need: bleach, soap scum cleaner, multi-purpose cleaner, rags, old toothbrushes, baking soda, vinegar, glass cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, a toilet bowl brush, a broom and dustpan, a mop, a trash bag, and last but not least, rubber gloves.

I have everything I need, now where do I start?

Begin by emptying the trash can in your bathroom, and then start to go through drawers and cabinets. Take one thing at a time, starting with one drawer. Throw away expired medicine, old makeup, stray Q-tips, and anything of the like. If you haven’t used it in a while and don’t see yourself using it soon, go ahead and toss it. Freeing up space will help you better organize the things you do use daily in your bathroom. Once you’ve thrown out as much as you can, remove everything else from the cabinets and drawers and set them out on the ground or in another room out of the way. Use multi-purpose cleaner to spray out all drawers and cabinets. Then, begin to put everything back while organizing by type (example: makeup goes with makeup, hair care goes with hair care, etc). This will make sure that all the items in the same category are in the same place, so you never again have to go digging through multiple drawers to find what you need. Now that the interiors of your bathroom drawers and cabinets are fresh and clean, let’s move on to some of the more nitty-gritty areas of your bathroom.

Tubs, Sinks, Drains, and Faucets

There’s no doubt that your tubs and sinks get a lot of use and abuse. Between soap scum, hair clogs, toothpaste, and more, these parts of your bathroom will need a little tender love and care. Begin by pouring baking soda down all the drains in your bathroom. Follow it with vinegar to create a homemade drain cleaner that’s safer than the harsh chemicals found in many other products. The chemical reaction between the vinegar and baking soda will both dislodge any clogs that may be hanging around in your pipes, but will also begin to break down the items causing the clogs and will wash them down. For best results, cover the drains after pouring the vinegar so the entire solution stays in the pipes and doesn’t bubble out into your sink or tub. After 2 minutes, run hot water down the drains to further clear any blockages. Now that you have clear drains, you can begin working on the tub, sinks, and faucets themselves. It would be best to put on your rubber gloves now to protect your hands from the chemicals in your cleaning products. Start by spraying soap scum cleaner all around your tub and/or shower, as well as on any of the faucets. Let it sit for approximately 30 seconds, then wet a rag with hot water and get to scrubbing! As you work, rinse the rag periodically to rid it of extra cleaning solution, soap scum, or dirt. When you come to the end of your scrubbing, rinse the entire tub/shower down with hot water, and wipe the faucets down with multi-purpose cleaner to rid them of any streaks caused by the soap scum cleaner.

Counter Tops and Toilets

Countertops, luckily, are simple. Move everything out of your way and spray them down with multi-purpose cleaner, following this with a wipe from a clean rag. Done! Toilets, on the other hand, will take some work. Often, the toilet is the most dreaded thing to clean in a bathroom. But have no fear! You’re armed with rubber gloves, the right cleaning supplies, and the perfect amount of elbow grease to make your toilet gleam. Begin by cleaning the bowl: squirt a generous amount of toilet bowl cleaner around the inside rim and begin scrubbing with your toilet bowl brush. Don’t leave a single nook unscrubbed! When you’re done, flush the toilet and leave the seat up to begin cleaning the rest of the bowl. Use bleach and a fresh rag to wipe down both the seat and the rim underneath, paying close attention to the back of the seat where the lid attaches. Try to get in and around the hinges of the lid to get a fresh start for spring. Finally, wipe down the lower part of the toilet and the floor directly surrounding the toilet with bleach. Voila! A perfectly clean toilet!

Floors, Mirrors, and Windows

We’re coming to the end of our bathroom cleaning extravaganza! Only the floors, mirrors, and any windows remain. For windows and mirrors, simply spray with glass cleaner and wipe down with a rag or paper towel. Your floors, however, will need a little more elbow grease. Begin by sweeping up any dust or hair found on the floor. Then, if you have tile with grout in your bathroom, grab your bleach and an old toothbrush. Pour a little bleach on the floor and use the old toothbrush to scrub in between the tiles on your bathroom floor. This will help lift dirt from the grout while bleaching stains. This could take a while, so buckle down! Once the grout is to your liking, you can simply mop the floor with hot water and multi-purpose cleaner.

And there you have it! A fresh and shining bathroom, ready for spring! Though the term is ‘spring cleaning,’ your bathroom can benefit from a deep clean 3-5 times a year. Bathrooms get heavy use, and deep cleaning more regularly can make the process go faster than waiting until each spring. I hope you’ve enjoyed these tips! If you’re considering remodeling your bathroom, take a look at our website or call us at 614-721-3883. Happy spring, everyone!

Caring for Bathroom Tile

by Columbus Bath Design |July 27, 2018 |0 Comments | Bathroom Accessories, Bathroom Design, Bathroom Maintenance, Full Bathroom Remodel | , , , , , , , ,

Bathroom tile can be a beautiful complement to any beautifully decorated bathroom. Properly caring for your bathroom tile can be a bit of a challenge, but if you do it properly, it can help your tile last for years to come. Because of its’ frequent use, the bathroom requires a lot of maintenance. Follow these time-saving tips to keep your bathroom looking clean:

Stay Away from Harsh Cleaners

More abrasive cleaners may get the job done, but they can also cause your tile grout to wear and down and eventually begin to crack. Even small cracks can be a perfect spot for mold and mildew to develop. Instead, use mild soap and water for light cleanings, and gentle or specialized cleaners for more stubborn stains.

Periodically Apply SealerScrubbing Bathroom Wall with Sponge

Sealing your tiles on a regular basis minimizes wear and tear. This is especially true with tiles frequently exposed to water, such as ones on shower walls, bathroom countertops, or flooring with tiles near the bathtub/shower area. Be sure to choose a sealer made for your tiles specific location and material.

Keep a Squeegee Handy

If there’s one tool you’ll want to keep on deck at all times in your bathroom, it’s a squeegee. First, use a towel to wipe up any visible moisture, such as spilled water on tiles near the sink or on shower walls. Then use the squeegee to easily brush away any excess moisture to reduce your odds of growing mold or mildew.

Be Mindful of Signs of Mold

Doing regular visual inspections to check for signs of these common bathroom growths can reduce your odds of having a big problem on your hands. If you spot a few spores or signs of mold-related growth, a store-bought grout cleaner can usually do the trick. But if the problem is more widespread, hire a professional cleaning service. Either way, deal with the issue as quickly as possible.

Clean Grout Lines

The cement-based mixture that fills the spaces between bathroom tiles is where stains usually show up first. Keep your tile grout clean and free of potentially harmful contaminants by using either mild bleach or a grout cleaning product. If there are existing stains, let the cleaner sit for about 10-15 minutes before cleaning it with a scrub brush or toothbrush. Avoid scrubbing tiles directly so you don’t accidentally scratch the material.  

Know When It’s Time for Replacement

Cleaning tiles on a regular basis can prevent serious issues with your tile flooring and can help it last for quite a while. However, there are circumstances in which it is necessary to replace flooring. If your flooring has an excessive buildup of mold or mildew, or if it is beginning to crack, talk to a professional about replacement options.

Caring for your tile floors can be simple and can keep them looking beautiful and functional for years to come. If you have questions about flooring or you are looking to redecorate, contact the experts at Columbus Bath Design today!

Getting Rid of Mold and Mildew in Bathrooms

by Columbus Bath Design |June 15, 2018 |0 Comments | Bathroom Maintenance | ,

Maintaining a home is a full-time task, and while all rooms need upkeep and maintenance, some need more than others. Of all the rooms in a home, bathrooms are one of the rooms that get the most use and often require the most attention while cleaning. One of the biggest issues in bathrooms can be the build-up of mold and mildew. Follow these tips to prevent and eradicate this problem in your home.

Breeding Ground for Problems

Bathrooms can become an easy breeding ground for germs, mold, and mildew. This is largely due to the regular usage of hot water which puts moisture and steam into the air. Areas around bathtubs and showers, as well as toilets and sinks, can become high spore growth spots that need sanitizing and dehumidifying daily.

It should be noted that mold and mildew can grow on the: ceiling, walls, cabinets, toilets, fixtures, and floor if the moisture is not readily removed. Prevention of spore growth in these locations is the number one way to protect them from having significant problems. While cleaning with standard cleaners may work well in kitchens and laundry areas, spore growth is more complicated in bathrooms.

Prevention and Maintenance

Overall prevention of spore growth in bathrooms requires a more diligent approach and more aggressive types of cleaners. The number one cleaner for getting rid of these spores is bleach. This can include either a water and bleach mixture or a cleaner with bleach as a primary ingredient.

If any spores or blackened areas start to show on any fixtures, cabinetry, tubs, showers, walls or ceiling areas, the use of a bleach mixture is the quickest way to alleviate its growth and remove the spores completely.

In addition, it should be noted that prevention can be key in keeping the spores from growing. Bathing areas should always be properly aired out after showers and baths. The use of a properly installed vent fan is often the best way to ensure that the room dries out properly. If there is a shower curtain, it is recommended that they be opened and spread out so the spores do not begin to grow from moisture build up.

Consistency is Key

Regular maintenance is the key to a mold and mildew free bathroom. Consistently keeping the room as dry as possible and having a regular cleaning schedule will help prevent the growth of spores. A full bathroom deep clean once a week should do the trick. Over time, upgrades will also become necessary as fixtures get worn and outdated from their repeated usage.

Mold and mildew are inconvenient and gross, but with proper maintenance and prevention, you can make sure your bathroom is good as new. And when it’s time to upgrade your bathroom and appliances, make sure to come see us at Columbus Bath Design!

Spring Cleaning Tips from Columbus Bath Design

by Columbus Bath Design |May 25, 2018 |0 Comments | Bathroom Maintenance, Bathroom tips, Cleaning tips, homeowners, Tips for the Home | , , , , , , , , ,

Can A Bathroom Be Spring Cleaned? You Bet!

Spring cleaning usually involves clearing closets, cabinets, and storage areas on unwanted clutter. We wash windows, refinish floors, and prep the windows and doors for warm weather. What about the bathroom? Some bathrooms have no windows, which means mold and mildew growing over the long winter. Because of this, it is important to deep clean bathrooms as well!


Spring Cleaning Tips

Just working with a can of scrubbing bubbles and a sponge might not cut it. Here are the supplies we recommend you pick up for this endeavor:

  • Microfiber cloths
  • White vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Seventh Generation cleaning liquids (these are all natural with no harmful chemicals)
  • Dusting cloths
  • Swiffer mop or microfiber mop
  • Lemon juice
  • Olive oil or coconut oil
  • Spray bottle with water


Many bathrooms have wooden cabinets. To dust and clean them, mix in a small jar one half cup lemon juice to two cups olive or coconut oil. Shake until well mixed, then dust your wood cabinets. It’s a natural alternative to cleaning chemicals and will make the wood glow.

Glass and Mirrors

Some people mix dish liquid with vinegar and water to wash glass and mirrors. However, the dish liquid isn’t really necessary. Lemon juice or vinegar and water will clean most everything.

Close the glass shower door after you’ve turned on the hot water. Allow the steam to build up, and then shut the shower off. On the glass shower walls, apply a paste of baking soda and vinegar. Let sit for a few minutes, then wipe off. Spray with water. Wipe down with microfiber cloths to prevent mildew.

Floor and Wall Tiles

Close the shower door again with hot water running for steam. Use either the Seventh Generation cleaners or a mixture of vinegar, lemon, and water. Apply the cleaner to the tile walls and floors, then close the door. In a few minutes, shut off the shower. With a Swiffer or a microfiber mop, remove the moisture from the ceiling.

Wipe off the tile walls and floors. If not all dirt was removed from the grout, apply a paste of vinegar and baking soda. Scrub with a toothbrush. If it still won’t come clean, then a professional formula should be applied.

Tips For Deep Cleaning the Bathroom

Now the windows, mirrors, walls and floors are clean, it’s time to deep clean the sink and toilet. One of the best tips we’ve seen for cleaning the toilet and sink is to sprinkle in baking soda. After a few minutes, pour in vinegar. It will sizzle and bubble. When it’s finished bubbling, rinse it. It will shine like new!

Faucets and Shower Heads

Next you’ll need plastic sandwich baggies and rubber bands. In the baggie, mix vinegar, baking soda, and water. Wrap the faucets and shower head with the baggie. Let them sit for a couple of hours or overnight. Then, remove them and wipe them down. Your faucets and shower head will shine!

These simple tips and tricks should be all the cleaning you need to make your bathroom shine like new. If your bathroom needs more than just a little freshening up this spring season, give Columbus Bath Design a call to get started on your dream bathroom!

Tips for Maintaining Your New Bathroom

by Columbus Bath Design |December 22, 2017 |0 Comments | Bathroom Accessories, Bathroom Maintenance, Bathroom tips, Cleaning tips, homeowners, Tips for the Home | , , , , ,

After completing a bathroom remodel, the last thing that you want to do is to let it get dirty, messy, and disorganized. With regular upkeep, your beautiful bathroom will look fresh for years to come. These smart organization and cleaning tips will ensure that your new bathroom maintains a neat and tidy appearance you can be proud of. 

Deep Clean Weekly

It’s a task that no one enjoys, but deep cleaning is essential. This includes scrubbing the shower, tub, and toilet, wiping down the sink and counter, cleaning the mirror and windows, and mopping the floor. By tackling dirt and grime before it builds up, you can maintain the look of the important details in the bathroom, like grout and fixtures. Deep cleaning keeps the space healthy and sanitary, as well as visually appealing. If you’re pressed for time or simply hate the task of cleaning, consider hiring a housekeeper. It’s an affordable and practical way to maintain the cleanliness and neatness of your entire home.

Cut the Clutter

A clutter-free bathroom will help you to feel more relaxed in the space. Take a few minutes each day to cut the clutter by putting things back in their designated places. Don’t let items pile up on shelves and countertops. When a product is used up, like shampoo or toothpaste, throw it away as soon as it runs out. Put dirty clothes and linens in a hamper and transfer it to the laundry room frequently.

Use Organizers

If your vanity has drawers, use small organizers to keep them tidy. You can find a variety of affordable options in different sizes to fit snugly in your drawers. It will also save you time from trying to find what you need when you’re getting ready, as well. Shelves can also be kept neat with simple baskets or small bins. They can serve both a decorative and functional purpose. If you have counter space, use a basket to keep extra hand towels.

Frequently Go Through Drawers and Cabinets

If you often go through a drawer and find a product that you haven’t used in years, you aren’t alone. Many homeowners simply don’t take the time to go through drawers and cabinets to toss out old items. However, it’s a great way to stay organized. Check the labels on things like over-the-counter medicines and personal care products, and throw away anything that’s old or expired. Let go of cosmetics that you no longer use to make space for the things you do use regularly. Cabinet and drawer cleanouts are a great task to add to your spring cleaning checklist.

Keep your bathroom remodel looking brand new for years to come by following these simple cleaning tips. Start off with an organized space and take the time to clean often. By keeping up with deep-cleaning and tidying, you’ll be able to enjoy a beautiful bathroom that provides a relaxing respite in your home.


Make Your Bathroom Shine In Under An Hour

by Columbus Bath Design |March 31, 2017 |0 Comments | Bathroom Maintenance, Bathroom tips, Cleaning tips, Tips for the Home | , , , ,

Many homeowners search for bathroom cleaning tips when spring arrives. Below are some helpful suggestions to get this much used-room sparkling clean in less than an hour:

Rugs and Towels. Begin by removing all towels from the towel racks and take them to the laundry room. Even if they are your “good” towels and are not used much, they can absorb a dank smell from hanging in a moisture-rich bath. Therefore, it is wise to run them through a short wash cycle and fluff them in the dryer. Take any rugs with rubber backing and lay them in the hallway or another room where they can be vacuumed. If rugs are machine washable, follow the directions on their tags and choose the appropriate wash cycle.

Toilet Bowl. To quickly clean a toilet bowl, flush it to ensure the sides are wet and pour one cup of full strength bleach into the bowl. Brush it around the sides and under the rim and move on to the next task as you let the bleach sit for approximately ten minutes. When this time has elapsed, flush it again and you will see a gleaming bowl with no rings were signs of grime.

Cleaning Bathroom Surfaces. To clean ceramic and porcelain surfaces, as well as your sink and bathtub, stir three tablespoons of baking soda into two cups of warm water and a half cup of household ammonia. Use standard rubber gloves to wipe solution over all surfaces and rinse it off with a clean rag or sponge. This formula will make all surfaces in your bathroom shine. Using the same mixture, scrub down towel racks and any brass, chrome or brushed nickel fixtures. Wipe down mirrors with standard glass cleaner to remove fingerprints and watermarks.

Sweep the floor to clear away large pieces of dirt and then mop vigorously for several minutes with a formula appropriate for your bathroom’s floor. When the floor has dried, fetch your clean towels and rugs and put them back in their places.

Rooms such as bathrooms can be challenging to keep tidy, but by using these cleaning tips, you can always make your bathroom shine in less than an hour.

Bathroom Cleaning Tips For Fall

by Columbus Bath Design |October 14, 2016 |0 Comments | Bathroom Maintenance, Bathroom tips, Cleaning tips, homeowners, Tips for the Home | , , , , ,

shutterstock_407262133One home cleaning task that most people aren’t too excited about tackling is the bathroom. However, the fall is a great time to a deep cleaning in every room of the home. By scrubbing and organizing the space now, you’ll be able to keep it cleaner and tidier through the winter months. These bathroom cleaning tips for fall will help you do an efficient and effective job:

Shower curtain and liner. Remove and toss out the old shower curtain liner and replace it with a new PEVA liner. It’s also a good idea to wash your shower curtain. Just be sure to check the label for the proper care instructions, as some fabrics and materials may not hold up well in the washing machine.

Scrub grout. Grout can seem difficult to clean, but with the right brush and some bleach, you’ll be able to get rid of bacteria and stains. Using a smaller brush, like a toothbrush, allows you to get down into the small spots between tiles. Open up the windows and use bleach, dipping the brush in and then scrubbing the grout in the shower and on the floor.

Walls and ceiling. To clean the walls, simply spray them down with an all purpose solution and then wipe with a clean, damp cloth. Take care to clean well around the toilet, too, and don’t forget the walls above the bathtub tile or shower stall. Use a duster on a long pole to reach into high corners of the ceiling where small spider webs may be lurking.

We typically think of the spring as the ideal time to give the home a deep cleaning, but these bathroom tips make it easy to freshen up your home in the fall. Before closing the windows and turning on the heat for the colder months, take the time to tackle the bathroom.

Bathroom Mold Prevention Tips For Homeowners

by Columbus Bath Design |September 23, 2016 |0 Comments | Bathroom Maintenance, Bathroom tips, Cleaning tips, homeowners, Tips for the Home | , , , ,

shutterstock_347983049Regardless of where you live, high moisture levels can make it almost impossible to eliminate bathroom mold. Reducing dampness in your bathroom is the key to keeping mold from proliferating in the first place. To effectively accomplish this task, follow the prevention tips outlined below:

Drying Shower Walls. After showering or bathing, use a cloth or squeegee to remove moisture from your shower walls. This simple technique will eliminate approximately 75 percent of mildew and mold growth.

Run Fans. Always run your bathroom’s fans when showering or taking a bath. It is also recommended that you allow the fans to run for approximately 30 minutes afterward as well, rather than merely running them during your bath or shower. Consider installing a timer to make this task easier if you think you will not consistently remember. If the fans do not clear out most of your bathroom’s moisture after 30 minutes, they may not be circulating enough air. If this is the case, consider using a small dehumidifier in your bathroom to enhance moisture removal.

Sealing Grout Lines. Among other top prevention tips is waterproofing grout lines. If you have tiles, you probably know that these spaces often serve as a breeding ground for mold and mildew. For this reason, it is wise to use a standard grout sealer to waterproof these areas on a yearly basis.

Eliminating Current Mold. To eliminate mildew and mold that has already started, let the surface dry completely and then use a solution of 90 percent water and 10 percent bleach to thoroughly clean the area. Brush or spray the solution on the problem spots and allow it to sit for approximately 15 minutes, then rinse the area thoroughly and allow it to dry. Mold is a problem for virtually every homeowner at some point in time, but by following the tips outlined above you can significantly reduce its presence and prevent it from returning.