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bathroom organizing

Tips for Maintaining Your New Bathroom

by Columbus Bath Design |December 22, 2017 |0 Comments | Bathroom Accessories, Bathroom Maintenance, Bathroom tips, Cleaning tips, homeowners, Tips for the Home | , , , , ,

After completing a bathroom remodel, the last thing that you want to do is to let it get dirty, messy, and disorganized. With regular upkeep, your beautiful bathroom will look fresh for years to come. These smart organization and cleaning tips will ensure that your new bathroom maintains a neat and tidy appearance you can be proud of. 

Deep Clean Weekly

It’s a task that no one enjoys, but deep cleaning is essential. This includes scrubbing the shower, tub, and toilet, wiping down the sink and counter, cleaning the mirror and windows, and mopping the floor. By tackling dirt and grime before it builds up, you can maintain the look of the important details in the bathroom, like grout and fixtures. Deep cleaning keeps the space healthy and sanitary, as well as visually appealing. If you’re pressed for time or simply hate the task of cleaning, consider hiring a housekeeper. It’s an affordable and practical way to maintain the cleanliness and neatness of your entire home.

Cut the Clutter

A clutter-free bathroom will help you to feel more relaxed in the space. Take a few minutes each day to cut the clutter by putting things back in their designated places. Don’t let items pile up on shelves and countertops. When a product is used up, like shampoo or toothpaste, throw it away as soon as it runs out. Put dirty clothes and linens in a hamper and transfer it to the laundry room frequently.

Use Organizers

If your vanity has drawers, use small organizers to keep them tidy. You can find a variety of affordable options in different sizes to fit snugly in your drawers. It will also save you time from trying to find what you need when you’re getting ready, as well. Shelves can also be kept neat with simple baskets or small bins. They can serve both a decorative and functional purpose. If you have counter space, use a basket to keep extra hand towels.

Frequently Go Through Drawers and Cabinets

If you often go through a drawer and find a product that you haven’t used in years, you aren’t alone. Many homeowners simply don’t take the time to go through drawers and cabinets to toss out old items. However, it’s a great way to stay organized. Check the labels on things like over-the-counter medicines and personal care products, and throw away anything that’s old or expired. Let go of cosmetics that you no longer use to make space for the things you do use regularly. Cabinet and drawer cleanouts are a great task to add to your spring cleaning checklist.

Keep your bathroom remodel looking brand new for years to come by following these simple cleaning tips. Start off with an organized space and take the time to clean often. By keeping up with deep-cleaning and tidying, you’ll be able to enjoy a beautiful bathroom that provides a relaxing respite in your home.


Bathroom Organizing Tips For Homeowners

by Columbus Bath Design |September 16, 2016 |0 Comments | Bathroom Maintenance, Bathroom tips, Cleaning tips, homeowners, Tips for the Home | , , , ,

shutterstock_109952588Now that you have a luxurious bathroom, keeping it tidy is a top priority. From your marble counter tops to your walk-in steam shower, each component of your washroom needs to be neat and tidy for maximum impact. If you want help with organizing tips, following are a few organizational tips you can try:

  • Use stackable drawers in your vanity to keep small items neat and organized. From your lotions and potions to necessities like makeup remover and cotton swabs, frequently used items can be out of sight and off your glistening counter tops.
  • Matching containers in your shower stall are a fabulous way to bring organization to your bathroom and add a touch of elegance too. Pour your shampoo, conditioner, and body wash into color-coordinated containers and nestle together for a high-end look. Choose colors to match your luxurious bathroom and your friends/family will think you had a designer style your room.
  • If you absolutely must have paraphernalia on your counter top, contain items in crystal containers. Ear cleaning swabs, makeup brushes, and nail-trimming utensils always look better when they displayed in crystal stemware. The same theory applies to everyday items like mouthwash; showcase your mouthwash in a sleek and elegant decanter for a luxurious look your visitors will envy.
  • Adding fresh flowers to your bathroom is a great way to keep your room looking fabulous while adding a natural odor killer at the same time.

These are just a few ways homeowners can keep their bathrooms looking tidy and fresh. A simple tweak or two is all it takes to transform a washroom from basic to beautiful. Your bathroom can be a place of rest and relaxation; keeping it neat and organized can add to the feeling of grandeur and spa-like freshness. Will you be trying any of these helpful tips in your home?