8596 Cotter St., Lewis Center, OH 43035
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Guide to Hiring a Bathroom Renovation Professional

by Columbus Bath Design |July 15, 2024 |0 Comments | Bathroom Remodeling |

When considering giving your bathroom a makeover, picking the right person for the job is essential. You want someone who will make your vision come to life. Getting a professional to do the job will ensure your bathroom renovation goes exactly as planned.

Evaluate the Professional’s Experience and Portfolio

After you’ve made a list of possible contractors, it’s essential to check out their past work and previous experience. By looking at their portfolio, you can get an idea of what they’re good at. It helps to see if they’ve worked on projects like yours so you can be sure they have the right skills and ideas to make your vision come to life. Also, talking to people who have hired them or reading testimonials can give you more insight into how professional and skilled these contractors are in remodeling work.

Check Licensing, Insurance, and Certifications

Before you settle on someone for your bathroom remodeling, it’s important to look into their license, insurance, and any special training they have. Ensure the person you’re hiring is allowed to work in your place by checking if they have a valid license. On top of that, check if the contractor has insurance for liability and workers’ compensation. With these insurances, you won’t be held responsible if something goes wrong or someone gets hurt while working on your renovation project. Lastly, ask them about any extra certificates or training they’ve completed. Having such qualifications shows that the contractor takes their job seriously and has experience with bathroom renovations.

Read Customer Reviews and Feedback

It’s crucial to see what other people have said about someone you’re looking to hire. By looking at testimonials and feedback from others who have already worked with the contractor, you can get a good idea of their reliability and whether their previous customers were satisfied. You can find this info on websites that collect reviews or even on social media. Spending some time checking out customer reviews will help you understand better if the person you’re thinking of hiring is professional and trustworthy.

Schedule Consultations and Obtain Quotes

Once you’ve narrowed your choices of potential contractors, the next step is setting up meetings and getting quotes. Reach out to each contractor for a face-to-face or online meeting. In these consultations, share what you’re hoping to achieve with your project in great detail. A good contractor will pay close attention and ask questions that matter to fully grasp what you need. They’ll also offer their insights and advice based on their experience. After talking it over, make sure they give you a detailed quote in writing that includes everything from the scope of work and materials needed to how long it will take them. While verbal estimates can be helpful early on during discussions, having this information written down is essential so there are no mix-ups later in the process.


Compare Quotes and Services Offered

Once you have obtained quotes from different contractors, take the time to compare them. Look beyond the total cost and consider the services offered and the scope of work outlined in each quote. Create a text table to compare the essential details, such as the timeline, materials, and any additional services included. Pay attention to any quote variations and ask for clarification if needed. It’s essential to choose a contractor who meets your budget and offers the services and quality you desire for your bathroom renovation project. By comparing quotes and services offered, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your vision and requirements while finding the best deal.


Finalize the Contract with Your Chosen Professional

Once you’ve reviewed quotes and what’s being offered, it’s time to finalize everything with your chosen contractor. Make sure to review the contract carefully to check that everything you discussed and agreed on is mentioned. The contract should list what work will be done, how long it’ll take, what materials will be used, when payments need to be made, and any promises or warranties the contractor has given. If something doesn’t seem right or you have questions, don’t hesitate to discuss it with them before putting your signature down. Getting this contract sorted out means you know exactly what’s expected, which allows the bathroom renovation to begin.


Staying Informed Throughout the Project

Maintain regular communication with your contractor throughout the renovation to stay informed of progress, challenges, and decisions. Open dialogue ensures transparency and enables prompt resolution of any issues that may arise, ensuring the project stays on track and meets your expectations.

Find a Renovation Professional at Columbus Bathroom Design!

Choosing a skilled professional for your bathroom remodel ensures superior quality and peace of mind. By following a structured approach in selecting the right contractor, you can avoid common pitfalls and achieve the bathroom of your dreams. Start planning your bathroom renovation today by contacting Columbus Bath Design.

Revamp Your Home with a Bathroom Remodel

by Columbus Bath Design |June 15, 2024 |0 Comments | Bathroom Remodeling |


Are you tired of your outdated bathroom? Do you dream of having a luxurious and stylish space where you can relax and unwind? It’s time to revamp your home with a bathroom remodel. Whether you’re looking to add a new tub, update the tile work, or maximize natural light, a bathroom remodel can transform your space and make your dream bathroom a reality.

Gone are the days when bathroom remodels were only for celebrities or influencers. With careful planning and budgeting, homeowners can achieve a stunning bathroom renovation that meets their needs and desires. From choosing the right layout to hiring skilled subcontractors, every step of the remodel requires careful consideration and attention to detail.

In this blog, we will guide you through the process of planning. Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to update your existing bathroom, this blog will help you create a space that is both functional and visually appealing.

Planning Your Bathroom Remodel

Planning is the key to a successful bathroom remodel. Before diving into the project, it’s important to assess your current bathroom layout, establish a realistic budget, and consider any plumbing or structural changes that may be required.

Assessing Your Current Bathroom Layout

The first step in planning your bathroom remodel is to assess your current bathroom layout. Consider the size and functionality of the space, as well as any existing issues such as low ceiling height or outdated bathroom floors. A layout that maximizes space and functionality is essential for creating a dream bathroom.

Assessing Your Current Bathroom Layout

Assessing your current bathroom layout is an essential step in planning your remodel. Consider the size and functionality of the space, as well as any existing issues that need to be addressed.

If you have a small bathroom, you may need to make some strategic design choices to maximize space. Consider incorporating storage solutions that make the most of vertical space, such as over-the-toilet cabinets or wall-mounted shelves. Opt for fixtures and fittings that are compact yet functional, such as a corner sink or a wall-mounted toilet.

Ceiling height is another important factor to consider. If you have a low ceiling, you may need to consult with a structural engineer to ensure that any changes you want to make to the layout are feasible. They can provide guidance on whether it’s possible to raise the ceiling or if you need to work with the existing height.

Lastly, assess the condition of your bathroom floors. Are they outdated or worn out? Consider replacing them with new flooring that not only looks great but also withstands moisture and daily wear and tear.

Design Inspirations for Your Remodel

Design inspirations play a crucial role in creating a personalized and visually appealing bathroom. Whether you prefer a modern or traditional style, there are endless possibilities to transform your space into your dream bathroom.

Consider incorporating natural light into your design. Skylights or large windows can create a bright and airy atmosphere, while also providing privacy.

Color schemes can greatly impact the overall look and feel of your bathroom. Choose colors that create a soothing and relaxing ambiance, such as soft blues or neutral tones. Don’t be afraid to add pops of color with accessories or accent walls.

When it comes to your vanity, choose a style that complements the overall aesthetic of your bathroom. Whether you prefer a sleek and minimalist design or a more traditional look, there are plenty of options to suit your taste.

Modern vs. Traditional: Choosing Your Style

Choosing between a modern or traditional style for your bathroom remodel is a matter of personal preference. Both styles have their own unique characteristics and can create a stunning and functional space.

A modern bathroom design is characterized by clean lines, minimalistic fixtures, and a sleek and streamlined aesthetic. Think floating vanities, wall-mounted faucets, and large format tiles. This style is perfect for those who prefer a contemporary and minimalist look.

On the other hand, a traditional bathroom design showcases classic elements such as ornate fixtures, pedestal sinks, and intricate tile work. This style is ideal for those who appreciate a timeless and elegant aesthetic.

When choosing your style, consider the overall theme and aesthetic of your home. It’s important to create a cohesive look throughout your space. Whether you go for a modern or traditional style, make sure to choose a vanity that complements the overall design.

Color Schemes and Material Choices

Color schemes and material choices are key factors in creating a visually appealing and cohesive bathroom remodel. The right colors and materials can transform your space and make a big difference in the overall aesthetic.

When it comes to color schemes, consider the mood and atmosphere you want to create. Soft, neutral tones can create a calming and spa-like ambiance, while bold and vibrant colors can add a pop of personality and energy. Don’t forget to consider the color of your fixtures and fittings as well, as they should complement the overall color scheme.

Material choices are equally important in creating a visually stunning bathroom. Choose high-quality materials that are durable and easy to maintain. From tile work to fixtures and grout, every detail matters. Consider the texture, finish, and overall aesthetic of the materials you choose to ensure a cohesive and visually appealing design.

Adding Luxury Elements

If you want to take your bathroom remodel to the next level, consider adding luxury elements that will make your space feel like a high-end spa. One popular luxury feature is heated floors, which provide warmth and comfort during those chilly mornings. Imagine stepping out of the shower onto a warm floor—it’s a small touch that can make a big difference in your daily routine.

Another luxury element to consider is integrating technology into your bathroom. Smart bathroom fixtures, such as voice-activated mirrors, heated towel racks, and high-tech showers, can enhance both the functionality and convenience of your space.

Integrating Technology in Your Bathroom

Incorporating technology into your bathroom remodel can elevate the overall experience and make your daily routines more enjoyable. Smart bathroom fixtures can seamlessly integrate with your smart home system, allowing you to control various aspects of your bathroom with voice commands or smartphone apps.

For example, a voice-activated mirror can provide weather updates, play music, and adjust the lighting in your bathroom. Heated floors can be easily controlled through a smart thermostat, ensuring your bathroom is warm and cozy when you need it.

Additionally, installing smart shower systems can allow you to set your preferred water temperature and pressure, as well as play music or podcasts while you shower.

By integrating technology into your bathroom remodel, you can create a high-tech, luxurious space that enhances your daily routines.

Heated Floors and Towel Racks

Heated floors and towel racks are luxurious additions that can transform your bathroom into a spa-like retreat. Heated floors provide warmth and comfort, making stepping out of the shower a pleasant experience, especially during the colder months. They can also help reduce moisture and prevent mold and mildew growth.

Similarly, heated towel racks add a touch of luxury to your bathroom by keeping your towels warm and cozy. There’s nothing quite like wrapping yourself in a warm towel after a relaxing bath or shower.

Both heated floors and towel racks can be controlled with a thermostat, allowing you to set the desired temperature and create a comfortable environment in your bathroom. These luxury elements not only enhance your daily routine but also add value to your home.

Maximizing Small Bathroom Spaces

If you have a small bathroom, don’t let the limited square footage limit your design options. With some clever design tricks and space-saving solutions, you can maximize the functionality and visual appeal of your small bathroom.

One effective design trick is to use light colors and mirrors to create the illusion of a larger space. Light-colored walls, tiles, and fixtures can reflect light and make your bathroom feel more open and airy. Mirrors also help create the illusion of depth and visually expand the space.

Another space-saving solution is to choose compact fixtures and storage solutions. Opt for a wall-mounted vanity or a pedestal sink to free up floor space. Use floating shelves or built-in niches to maximize storage without taking up valuable space.

By implementing these design tricks and space-saving solutions, you can create a small bathroom that feels spacious and functional.

Clever Design Tricks for Small Bathrooms

In a small bathroom, every inch of space counts. Here are some clever design tricks to maximize the functionality and visual appeal of your small bathroom:

  • Choose a wall-mounted vanity or a pedestal sink to free up valuable floor space. These compact options open up the room and create an illusion of more space.
  • Install a floating shelf or a wall-mounted cabinet to provide additional storage without taking up much space. These can be used to store toiletries, towels, and other bathroom essentials.
  • Opt for a shower curtain instead of a glass shower door. A curtain takes up less visual space and allows for more flexibility in a small bathroom.
  • Use light-colored tiles and paint to make the space feel brighter and more open. Light colors reflect light and visually expand the room.
  • Install a mirror that spans the entire wall to create the illusion of depth and make the room appear larger.

By implementing these clever design tricks, you can maximize the functionality and visual appeal of your small bathroom.

Choosing the Right Colors and Mirrors

When it comes to small bathroom spaces, choosing the right colors and mirrors can make a big difference in creating the illusion of a larger space.

Opt for light and neutral colors, such as whites, creams, and pastels, to make the space feel brighter and more open. Light-colored tiles, walls, and fixtures reflect light, giving the impression of a larger and more spacious bathroom.

Mirrors are another important element in maximizing visual space. Install a large mirror or a mirrored cabinet that spans the entire wall to create the illusion of depth and make the room appear larger. Mirrors also reflect light, further enhancing the brightness of the space.

By choosing the right colors and mirrors, you can visually expand your small bathroom and create a more open and inviting space.


Revamp your home with a bathroom remodel that elevates both style and functionality. From planning and design to key features and water efficiency, this process offers endless possibilities to create a space that suits your needs and reflects your taste. Upgrade your bathroom with innovative storage solutions, luxurious elements like heated floors, and maximize small spaces with clever design tricks.. Let your imagination guide you as you revitalize your home one step at a time. Contact us at Columbus Bath Design for more!

Tub To Shower Conversion Maximizes Space And Style

Tub To Shower Conversion Maximizes Space And Style

by Columbus Bath Design |July 12, 2023 |0 Comments | Bathroom Remodeling |

Are you tired of your outdated bathtub taking up precious space in your bathroom? It’s time to consider a tub-to-shower conversion. Not only will it maximize the space in your bathroom, but it will also add a touch of style and modernity to your home. In this blog, we will break down shower size, type, materials, labor, and additional factors. We’ll also discuss the pros and cons of hiring a professional. Plus, we’ll answer all your burning questions about tub-to-shower conversions. Get ready to transform your bathroom into a sleek and functional space!

Repairs Or Replacements

During a tub-to-shower conversion, it’s crucial to consider any repairs or replacements that may be required. The condition of your existing tub and surrounding walls will determine if repairs or replacements are necessary. This can involve fixing water damage, swapping out tiles or shower fixtures, or reinforcing walls for added stability. 

Showerheads And Accessories

When it comes to a tub-to-shower conversion, don’t overlook the importance of showerheads and accessories. Your choice of showerhead can make a significant difference in the functionality of your new shower. Whether you prefer a rain showerhead, multiple spray options, or a handheld showerhead, it’s important to consider your budget and desired features. Additionally, don’t forget about accessories like built-in seating or storage shelves, which can enhance the convenience and organization of your shower space. Consulting with a professional installer can help you navigate through the wide range of options and choose the best showerheads and accessories for your tub-to-shower conversion project.

Tub Removal

When converting a bathtub into a shower, one essential step is the removal of the tub. This process involves considering various factors, including the type and size of the tub, as well as the complexity of the removal. Additional demolition work might be necessary if the tub is integrated into the floor or walls. Plumbing and electrical adjustments may also need to be made during the removal, adding to the overall expense. In certain cases, the tub may need to be cut into pieces to facilitate its removal, requiring specialized tools and skills. It is crucial to account for these additional expenses when planning a tub-to-shower conversion project.

Professional Tub-to-Shower Conversion

When it comes to converting your tub to a shower, hiring a professional installer is crucial. By bringing in a skilled expert, you can ensure that the conversion is done correctly and adheres to building codes and regulations. These professionals have the necessary experience and expertise to handle the plumbing, electrical, and construction work involved in the process. They can also provide valuable guidance on design options, helping you choose the perfect shower fixtures, tiles, and materials to achieve the style you desire. Additionally, professional conversions often come with warranties or guarantees, providing you with added peace of mind.

How To Hire A Professional

To find the perfect professional for your tub-to-shower conversion project, follow these crucial steps. Begin by researching and gathering recommendations for contractors with expertise in tub-to-shower conversions. Schedule consultations with these contractors and discuss your project needs while obtaining estimates. During these consultations, inquire about their experience and ask for references or examples of past work to assess their craftsmanship. Ensure that the contractor holds all the necessary licenses, insurance, and permits. Lastly, compare estimates from different contractors based on the timeline and materials used to make an informed decision.

Our Recommendation

Create a more spacious bathroom with a tub-to-shower conversion. Transform your old bathtub into a walk-in shower to bring a contemporary look and improved functionality to your space. Enhance accessibility and convenience by opting for a walk-in shower with low-threshold entry. Choose durable materials and professional installation to guarantee long-lasting results. Explore options like grab bars, glass doors, and accessories to personalize your new shower. Make your bathroom remodel project a success with a tub-to-shower conversion that maximizes style and functionality.

What Should I Consider When Converting A Tub To A Shower?

When converting a tub to a shower, consider the bathroom’s layout and available space. Think about your desired shower size, style, and features. Take into account any plumbing or structural changes needed. Plan for proper ventilation and waterproofing to avoid moisture problems in the new shower area.


In conclusion, converting your tub to a shower can maximize both the space and style of your bathroom. it’s important to consider all aspects of the conversion process and make an informed decision. If you’re ready to transform your bathroom and create a more functional and stylish space, we recommend exploring tub-to-shower conversion options with our experienced team. Still, have questions? Reach out to us at Columbus Bath Design today!

The Ultimate Guide to Getting Your Bathroom Ready For Back to School

by Columbus Bath Design |August 3, 2022 |0 Comments | Bathroom Remodeling Tips | , ,

It’s Back to School time! You are shopping for clothes that will fit, filling up the pantry with lunch supplies, and scheduling daycare. But every school day begins with a freshly scrubbed face and clean teeth. Is your family bathroom ready to support your child as they step up to the next grade? Columbus Bath Design is here to help with some timely tips.

Supporting Your Middle-Schooler with a Grownup ShowerBathroom Design

As the kids approach the teen years, they start thinking about caring for their bodies in a new way. Instead of you chasing them into the tub, they begin to go for a quick wash after getting dusty at the park. Are they asking to use the shower instead of a bath? Can they reach the controls, or do they need a hand to get started? Support their growing independence with a bathroom upgrade designed with them in mind.

A Walk-in Shower for a Quick Morning Wash Every Day

Changing out the tub and shower combination with a walk-in eliminates a trip hazard. With a water-saving shower head, you can lower their water usage by up to 50% while they still get clean. They will feel good about themselves while waiting for the middle school bus with their friends.

New Handheld Shower Head at a Height They Can Reach

Not every 12-year-old has hit their growth spurt, yet. They are happy to use the shower, except they can’t reach the handheld shower head without calling for Mom or Dad. Ask about a new shower combination with a fixed and handheld head, so the whole family gets clean without drama.

The best part of this upgrade is that it can be done in a couple of hours without demolishing your current bathroom.

Shower Shelving with Room for Their Own Shampoo and Soap

Your son loves the new shampoo with a popular teen scent. Your daughter discovered the joy of shopping for shower gel. Add a wire rack that hooks over the shower head to hold the grownup bottles or install new shower wall panels with built-in recesses able to fit everybody’s toiletries.

Make Room for High School Morning Hair and Makeup Sessions

Once they hit the teen years, the morning routine is no longer as simple as brushing teeth and combing out their hair. They want a few more minutes to look and feel their best before meeting their friends.

Dual Sinks Give Both Kids Elbow Room at the Mirror

Their Jack N’ Jill bathroom is plenty big, but it only has a single sink. While the teens both have to get out the door at the same time, they probably fight over the mirror and hair dryer every morning. Opting for a double-sink vanity ensures they both have their own space and have less reason to bicker.

A Supersized Vanity Provides Space for Their Toiletries and Towels

That bigger vanity also means there are extra drawers, so she can have a private spot for her hair bobbles, a little jewelry, and makeup. He can organize his shaving supplies and collection of body spray. You will even have enough room to store several extra towels within easy reach when theirs get dingy from mud and sweat.

Optimize Storage and Function for the College Kids

Now that they are enrolled for the fall semester, they will be out of the house more often. The college bathroom should be kitted out with extras that support their mobile lifestyle while helping you keep your sanity.

Over-the-Toilet Shelving and Cabinets Adds Me-Space for Everyone

Now that they are only home on the weekends, adding a cabinet over the toilet lets you stow all the clutter during the week, which brings back your guest bathroom. It’s also a good spot where your grown-up child can still call a place their private collection.

Shower Caddy Kits Make it Easy to Roam from the Dorm to Home on Weekends

Invest in a washable but flexible shower caddy that holds all their morning toiletries, a zippered pouch for wet towels, and a strap or handles for transportation. It becomes their go bag when heading back to the dorms and makes it easy to stay organized when visiting home for a week.

Laundry Hampers Help them Get It All Clean

They come home with a load of dirty clothes and make even more with two showers a day. Pick out a matching clothing hamper, trash bin, and vanity set for their bathroom. They just might help you keep the clutter off the floor, and you are treated to fresh decor.

Updated Bathroom Fixtures and Flooring for Faster Cleanup

A growing family also means a bathroom that is always in need of scrubbing. If you are struggling to eliminate set-in stains, a bathroom renovation could be the helping hand that makes a difference.

Fresh Vinyl Flooring Eliminates Stained and Moldy Tile Grout

Floor grout will lose its waterproof seal over time and eventually there is no bringing back the white grout. Replacing the ancient tile floor with luxury vinyl flooring puts a softer surface under tiny toes. It is also quick and easy to keep clean and sanitary.

Fast One-Day Bathroom Renovation Brings Smooth Surfaces to Your Old Scratched Shower

After 20 or 30 years, even seamless acrylic bath and shower enclosures eventually show scratches and collect dirt in the corners. Start the whole family out fresh for the school year with a one-day bathroom renovation. The silky smooth new tub, toilet, and sink will help you speed up your daily and weekly cleaning chores.

Cleaning Kits Under the Sink Make It Simple for the Kids to Learn Good Routines

Once you have the new tub and shower, remember to leave a set of cleaning supplies under the vanity or in the closet. Now that your kids are teens, help them learn healthy home cleaning routines by putting the tools needed right at hand.

While not every back-to-school bathroom upgrade involves changing out the fixtures, when it does, give us a call at Columbus Bath Design in Lewis Center, OH. We can make it fast and easy with minimum disruption to your home and schedule.

Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Bathroom

by Columbus Bath Design |March 7, 2019 |1 Comments | Bathroom Maintenance, Cleaning tips | , , , , , ,

Temperatures are warming up and flowers are blooming, it’s time to do a little spring cleaning. Rinsing porches and cleaning behind furniture is a good start, but what about your bathrooms? How can you get them ready for the warmer and brighter weather coming your way? In this article, I will share some tips with you for sprucing up your bathroom just in time for spring.

How deeply should I clean my bathroom?

When doing a deep clean of your bathroom, expect to get in every nook and cranny. Faucets, drains, grout, baseboards, all of it could use a clean every once in a while. Begin by collecting all the supplies you’ll need: bleach, soap scum cleaner, multi-purpose cleaner, rags, old toothbrushes, baking soda, vinegar, glass cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, a toilet bowl brush, a broom and dustpan, a mop, a trash bag, and last but not least, rubber gloves.

I have everything I need, now where do I start?

Begin by emptying the trash can in your bathroom, and then start to go through drawers and cabinets. Take one thing at a time, starting with one drawer. Throw away expired medicine, old makeup, stray Q-tips, and anything of the like. If you haven’t used it in a while and don’t see yourself using it soon, go ahead and toss it. Freeing up space will help you better organize the things you do use daily in your bathroom. Once you’ve thrown out as much as you can, remove everything else from the cabinets and drawers and set them out on the ground or in another room out of the way. Use multi-purpose cleaner to spray out all drawers and cabinets. Then, begin to put everything back while organizing by type (example: makeup goes with makeup, hair care goes with hair care, etc). This will make sure that all the items in the same category are in the same place, so you never again have to go digging through multiple drawers to find what you need. Now that the interiors of your bathroom drawers and cabinets are fresh and clean, let’s move on to some of the more nitty-gritty areas of your bathroom.

Tubs, Sinks, Drains, and Faucets

There’s no doubt that your tubs and sinks get a lot of use and abuse. Between soap scum, hair clogs, toothpaste, and more, these parts of your bathroom will need a little tender love and care. Begin by pouring baking soda down all the drains in your bathroom. Follow it with vinegar to create a homemade drain cleaner that’s safer than the harsh chemicals found in many other products. The chemical reaction between the vinegar and baking soda will both dislodge any clogs that may be hanging around in your pipes, but will also begin to break down the items causing the clogs and will wash them down. For best results, cover the drains after pouring the vinegar so the entire solution stays in the pipes and doesn’t bubble out into your sink or tub. After 2 minutes, run hot water down the drains to further clear any blockages. Now that you have clear drains, you can begin working on the tub, sinks, and faucets themselves. It would be best to put on your rubber gloves now to protect your hands from the chemicals in your cleaning products. Start by spraying soap scum cleaner all around your tub and/or shower, as well as on any of the faucets. Let it sit for approximately 30 seconds, then wet a rag with hot water and get to scrubbing! As you work, rinse the rag periodically to rid it of extra cleaning solution, soap scum, or dirt. When you come to the end of your scrubbing, rinse the entire tub/shower down with hot water, and wipe the faucets down with multi-purpose cleaner to rid them of any streaks caused by the soap scum cleaner.

Counter Tops and Toilets

Countertops, luckily, are simple. Move everything out of your way and spray them down with multi-purpose cleaner, following this with a wipe from a clean rag. Done! Toilets, on the other hand, will take some work. Often, the toilet is the most dreaded thing to clean in a bathroom. But have no fear! You’re armed with rubber gloves, the right cleaning supplies, and the perfect amount of elbow grease to make your toilet gleam. Begin by cleaning the bowl: squirt a generous amount of toilet bowl cleaner around the inside rim and begin scrubbing with your toilet bowl brush. Don’t leave a single nook unscrubbed! When you’re done, flush the toilet and leave the seat up to begin cleaning the rest of the bowl. Use bleach and a fresh rag to wipe down both the seat and the rim underneath, paying close attention to the back of the seat where the lid attaches. Try to get in and around the hinges of the lid to get a fresh start for spring. Finally, wipe down the lower part of the toilet and the floor directly surrounding the toilet with bleach. Voila! A perfectly clean toilet!

Floors, Mirrors, and Windows

We’re coming to the end of our bathroom cleaning extravaganza! Only the floors, mirrors, and any windows remain. For windows and mirrors, simply spray with glass cleaner and wipe down with a rag or paper towel. Your floors, however, will need a little more elbow grease. Begin by sweeping up any dust or hair found on the floor. Then, if you have tile with grout in your bathroom, grab your bleach and an old toothbrush. Pour a little bleach on the floor and use the old toothbrush to scrub in between the tiles on your bathroom floor. This will help lift dirt from the grout while bleaching stains. This could take a while, so buckle down! Once the grout is to your liking, you can simply mop the floor with hot water and multi-purpose cleaner.

And there you have it! A fresh and shining bathroom, ready for spring! Though the term is ‘spring cleaning,’ your bathroom can benefit from a deep clean 3-5 times a year. Bathrooms get heavy use, and deep cleaning more regularly can make the process go faster than waiting until each spring. I hope you’ve enjoyed these tips! If you’re considering remodeling your bathroom, take a look at our website or call us at 614-721-3883. Happy spring, everyone!

DIY Holiday Bathroom Decorations

by Columbus Bath Design |December 21, 2018 |1 Comments | Bathroom Design | , , , ,

Christmas is finally here, and the new year is just around the corner. In the hustle and bustle of the holidays, you’re probably pretty overwhelmed. There are so many things to plan for and so many gifts to shop for, it can all be a little crazy to manage. If you are entertaining this holiday, decorating is probably another big stressor on your list. We are here to make your life easier.

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Getting Your Bathroom Ready for the Holidays

by Columbus Bath Design |November 30, 2018 |0 Comments | Bathroom Accessories | , , , , , ,

The holidays are finally here, and you know what that means? It’s time to get your home ready for company! While you’ll probably spend time decking the halls and making your space jolly for the season, there is one important aspect that you should not forget about, your bathroom! Here are some of our best tips to get your bathroom ready for holiday parties.

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Decorating Your Bathroom for Thanksgiving

by Columbus Bath Design |November 9, 2018 |1 Comments | Decoration | , , , , ,

With fall in full swing, it’s time to start decorating your home for the season if you haven’t already. Bathrooms are an area of the home that some people overlook in regards to decoration. Even if your bathroom is small, you can still incorporate festive decorations into your space. You can add a few simple touches or go for an all-out Thanksgiving theme in your bathroom. Here are our decorating tips to get ready for the season:

Hand Towels

One of the simplest ways to decorate your bathroom for Thanksgiving is seasonal towels and washcloths. You can purchase Thanksgiving-themed bathroom décor almost anywhere. Choose linens decorated with things like turkeys, pilgrims, leaves, and cornucopias. For a more subtle look, simply replace your current towels with new orange, yellow, and red ones to fit the color scheme of fall.

If your bathroom has a window, find new curtains that coordinate with your new towels and linens. This will ensure that your color scheme is cohesive and that everything goes well together.

Candles, Candles, Candles

Another great idea is to place seasonally-scented candles, such as pumpkin or spiced apple, in your bathroom. You can light them every day or just for special occasions or when guests are over. Smells and scents can remind people of holidays past and build a festive ambiance.  To take things a step further, invest in candles that crackle and make bonfire-like noises to give your bathroom a cozy feel.

If you don’t want to invest in candles or are looking for something a little more outside the box, incense is also a great way to give your space a comforting smell. To avoid flames entirely, invest in a seasonal plug-ing. This will provide consistent bursts of scent throughout the day and you won’t have to worry about blowing anything out before you leave.

Soaps and other Scents

Seasonal hand-soaps are another fun way to decorate your bathroom. Try to “shop local” when it comes to this part of decorating. Finding cute boutiques and small vendors near your home will ensure that your soaps are unique and hand-made, giving your bathroom a warm and welcoming feel. Add a decorative soap dish and make this a focal point of fall display for your bathroom.

For an added bonus, find a nice fall themed lotion to put next to your sink as well. This time of the year is the perfect storm for dry skin and cracked hands. Help your guests out with a nice, soothing lotion.


The lighting in your bathroom can also be changed for the holiday. You can purchase a seasonal night light for a small touch. For a more bold change, you can swap out the light bulbs in your bathroom to a soft orange. You can also put up string lights around your bathroom mirror. Choose from orange lights or ones that are shaped like pumpkins or turkeys. Another lighting idea is to place lanterns with either real or electric candles in them. Place a string of fall leaves and small pumpkins and gourds around the base to make it more fall appropriate.

Pumpkins and Gourds

One of the absolute easiest ways to decorate any space for the Thanksgiving and fall season is to stack up on pumpkins and gourds. You can choose varying colors, shapes, and sizes and arrange them in a fun fall display. For an extra fun touch, tie orange and gold ribbons around their stems. Pumpkins and gourds are cheap decor and will give your space an authentic feel.

More Decoration Ideas

There are many other simple touches you can add to your bathroom to decorate for Thanksgiving. Swap out any wall hangings you have for wall art featuring fall leaves, turkeys, pumpkins, and other harvest-related items.

If you have enough shelf or counter space, you can choose any of these super simple DIY projects:

  •       Fill a vase or urn with dried or artificial flowers such as sunflowers or mums. You will want to stick with a red, yellow, orange, brown, or deep purple palette. You can include small cornstalks or even cattails to help add dimension to your arrangement.
  •       Fill a glass vase or other type of container with pinecones.
  •       Fill a basket with pumpkins, gourds, and small cornstalks.
  •       Hang a welcome sign on the outside of your bathroom door that has a Thanksgiving theme.
  •       Hang doorknob decorations on the outside or inside of your bathroom door. Some decorations have bells inside them for extra effect.

When it comes to decorating your home for the holidays, don’t forget about your bathroom! All of these ideas are quick and easy but can make your bathroom feel fun, cozy, and welcoming for all of your guests and loved ones. And as always, if you need help or tips with your bathroom accessories or are looking for a whole new remodel, don’t hesitate to contact the experts at Columbus Bath Design!

Making Your Bathroom Spooky For Halloween

by Columbus Bath Design |October 19, 2018 |0 Comments | Bathroom Accessories | , , ,

When it comes to Halloween, you want to pull out all of the stops and make your home as spooky and festive as possible. When hosting for the holiday, don’t forget to decorate your bathroom! Here are our favorite tips to make your bathroom extra scary this October:

Change up the Lighting

Swapping your old lightbulb for a creepy orange or green one can change the entire vibe of the room. Dimming your lights or adding strands of lights shaped like leaves and pumpkins can also add to the ambiance. Adding creepy candles can also give your space a “haunted mansion” type feel.

Switch out Your Accessories

Add decorations wherever you can. Swap out the soap dispenser, add a blood-spattered bath mat and throw plastic spiders all over the place. Invest in Halloween themed linens and signs to hang around. The more festive you can be, the better.

Don’t Forget a Spooky Scent

Investing in a pumpkin scented candle or bathroom spray can make your space feel incredibly festive. Find a scent that screams “fall”. Pumpkin, pine, and apple all help contribute to the ambiance.

Make it Gord-geous

Another fun way to bring Halloween decor into your bathroom is by adding pumpkins and gourds. Placing these around your sink, on your window sills, and on the back of your toilet brings a fresh new look to your space. Buy varying sizes to mix things up and arrange them into fun patterns to give your space some easy flair.

Spiders and Webs

One of the easiest (and creepiest) decorations that you can add are fake spider webs and plastic spiders. These are easy to place and to clean up and can be used again and again year after year. Add fake webs to the corners of your room and all around the windows and then sprinkle fake spiders all around.

There are plenty of fun ways to make your bathroom spooky this Halloween season. Get creative and find some DIY crafts to spruce up your space. Your guests will love the festive feel of your home and you’ll go down as the hostess with the mostest.


How to Find the Right Accessories for Your New Bathroom

by Columbus Bath Design |October 5, 2018 |0 Comments | Bathroom Accessories | , , , , , ,

You’ve done the planning, you’ve decided on your bathroom fixtures, the sink, the toilet, and the shower. Now it’s time to accessorize! If you search bathroom accessories on Google you will see a wide range of shopping options from thousands of online stores. Stop a headache, save time, energy, and maybe even some money by following these five tips for finding the right accessories for your new bathroom.

Know What You’re Looking For

When the time comes to furnish your bathroom you will be faced with more accessory options than you’ll know what to do with. It is important to know what you are looking for before you begin the search. With a wide variety of different accessories to fill your space, it is best to be prepared with a list of items you are going to want and need. Think of the three major areas of the bathroom; the shower/bath, the sink area, and the toilet and create a list of accessories needed for each area.

For example, take a look at the sink. In this section of the room, you may need several accessories such as a soap dish for bar soap or a pump for liquid soap, a place to store your toothbrush, hand towels and a towel rack, a tissue dispenser, a makeup mirror, and a floor mat. Make an extensive list like this for every part of your bathroom so you know exactly what you need to find for each space. 

Identify Your Style

Before diving into the task of shopping, it is best to decide what the style of the room should be.  Whatever style you want there are accessories to match. Some examples of style options would include modern, rustic, beach-themed, minimalistic, among many other styles. When discussing your bathroom’s style you should also reference the look and feel of the rest of your house. Do you want the bathroom to match the rest of your house or are you okay with it being different? The last thing you want is to take the time to search for and buy your accessories only to find that what you have picked is not cohesive.

Think About Functionality

There are two things you need to ask yourself when thinking about function, what functions does my bathroom have and what functions does my bathroom need?  There are a number of different accessories which can add functionality to your bathroom, for example, you may need a trash can or a toilet paper holder.

As mentioned before, one decision you may need to make is what type of soap you and your family use. If you use bar soap, do you need to buy a soap tray? Or if you use liquid soap, do you need a dispenser? Or maybe your new bathroom already has a tray or dispenser built in and you do not need to buy either. Knowing what function your bathroom needs to serve will help you find the right accessories.

Establish a Budget

It’s best to know your budget before you go off to buy your accessories. Bathroom accessories can vary greatly in price, so it is important to know how much you can spend total. This will give you a better idea of what to pay for each item. Having a budget will keep your design goals realistic and help you to stay on track during the shopping process. 

Make a List 

Who doesn’t love checking off a list? After you have taken the time to know what you’re looking for, know your style, know their function, and know your budget it’s time to put together a shopping list of exactly what you need. While shopping you can easily check off an item you buy, make sure you don’t forget anything, and stay away from items you don’t need. Once you have your shopping list, it’s time to head to the store to accessorize the bathroom of your dreams!

Be sure you make the most out of your new bathroom and add all the right accessories to get the most out of your space. Taking a little time to research your bathroom accessories needs will help make your shopping trip go much smoother. As always, do not forget to contact your bathroom experts here at Columbus Bath Design for all of your designing needs. We are here to make the process as smooth as possible.